China Online is an Anglo Chinese trademark and ecommerce agency based both in the UK and China. We offer growing SME brands a cost effective way to assess and begin their ecommerce journey into the lucrative Chinese market. Before you invest significant amounts of money with larger agencies, we help you cover the basics: brand protection and website visibility in China. 75% of western websites cannot be seen in China. But through our proprietary platform and software we can make your current website visible.

Our trademark lawyer is based in Beijing and will register your brand - essential for all companies operating in China. We also offer an SEO service to help make your website more visible online and monthly website traffic reports to help you to gauge interest in your products. We will help you gain the insight about your brand and products you need in this market, so that you can make informed decisions about if and when to invest the necessary capital to be listed on the big ecommerce platforms in China.

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