Chinese Trademark Check

Complimentary – reporting what is currently registered in China.

2 -3 working days

Website Check

Complimentary – understanding your current website performance on the internet in China.

1 -2 working days

Trademark Registration

Trademark Chinese registration (2 Classes) - £1,200.00*

Additional classes - £350.00* per class

Website seen in China

Dynamic cloud platform setup and configuration - £1,750.00*

Second website - £1,200.00*

New domain for the Chinese market – first year included.

Quarterly hosting costs - £195.00* **

5 -8 working days

Translation and SEO

Chinese SEO translation (500 words), configuration and search engine submissions - £950.00*

Secord website - £700.00*

Quarterly hosting costs - £195.00* **

Additional 100 words transaction and SEO configuration - £75.00

5 -8 working days

Two services – save 15%

Trademark Registration and Website Seen in China service as a bundle will save you 15%

Total costs for two services - £2,500.00*

Quarterly hosting costs - £195.00* **

Three services – save 20%

Purchasing Trademark Registration, a Website Seen in China and Translation and SEO services as a bundle will save you 20%.

Total costs for two services - £3,100.00*

Quarterly hosting costs - £195.00* **


* All UK purchases are subject to VAT

** Quarterly hosting costs are only applied once, regardless of the number of services purchased.




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